My Billion Dollar Pussy

Who knew you could buy a knight in shining armor?

He refuses to wear the armor.

This is a busted ass version of a fairy tale (what other version would you expect from me?), where I’m not the queen. That role is of course, has been occupied by His Royal Highness Teddy Bear ever since I rescued his ass seven years ago. I’ve happily played the role of loyal servant (and I still do) however, the perils of life turned me into a version of Humpty Dumpty…. one that weebles, wobbles and falls the fuck down (typically face first).

Me speedy recovery remedy after a fall.

While I’m the damsel in distress, my feline has caused me more torment as he’s decided to test the waters of almost every single ailment known to catkind while I was trying to trudge through the forest of life, getting us into some semblance of a kingdom. Even though his dramatic ailments added to my worry, he pulled the fuck through every time. Just like a knight in shining armour.

Just scaring mom for shits and giggles.

I couldn’t love my cat Teddy Bear more than if I birthed him from my own loins (but let’s be real, I’d pay a surrogate because ew, pain) and I would take a bullet the size of Donald Trump’s ego to save his furry life. Although over the years, the amount of cold hard cash I’ve shelled out to keep the love of my life alive and kickin’ rivals the amount NASA spends to put an astronaut on the moon. But it’s worth every fucking penny.

Like the start of many fairy tales, ours was love at first meow. Never mind the fact that he had an upper respiratory infection and ringworm due to being crammed in a one-bedroom apartment of 30 other felines before he was rescued (save your fucking jokes about this being me one day for later, please and thanks). Being such a trashtacular high maintenance gal myself, it felt nothing other than natural that this soon-to-be drama king chose me as his human soulmate.

Forced Soulmates.

After His Majesty’s ringworm and respiratory infection subsided, we learned that he had a food allergy to chicken (through several visits to the vet) as he would develop what basically looked like kitty chicken pox. The little red dots would scab over and Tedstar got to wear a cone, which ever pet owner knows is the best time ever.

The most pissed off cone head on the planet.

All the feels about the cone, complete with puke.

So I received a prescription card to purchase $80 per bag cat food that’s a mixture of peas and duck. Maybe I should have known when I walked into the kitchen one day and saw this…

Bitch Peas

Forcing Ted to be my bestie took a solid two years, as he was skiddish, nervous and full of anxiety due to the lack of human contact while he was one of 29 others the first year of his life. But one miraculous day, my shy little pussy morphed into a full on stalker. I couldn’t sit (and still can’t) down for 15 seconds without him creeping onto my lap or darting like a figure skater through my legs while I tried to walk or wanting to partake in chores as he sat on my hip (mostly pouring Skinny Pirates and applying lipstick) but he does love to assist…

…with laundry…

…with dishwasher loading…

…and unloading…

…and letting me know when the shitter’s full.

He even started presenting me with lavish gifts only a pussy could deliver to his mother.

Prancing in one night with a cardinal in his mouth while I was relaxing in the bath.

He proudly corralled tampons like John Wayne did cowboys.

Once, he even tried to reenact scenes from my favorite crime show, Forensic Files, by creating an outline of his body in a bush, as he misjudged it being a solid surface.

Forensic feline body outline.

As life tends to twist and turn, shit hit the fan after our first three years together. I went through what might as well have been a divorce, losing a long-term relationship, my house, my job AND getting to move in with my parents all in the same week.


Trying to get back up on my own paws, I moved four times in three years. During this tumultuous time in life, Ted remained steadfast by my side. Although he continued to be high maintenance as fuck, making his mother stress to the max about her sidekick literally kicking the bucket. Among his many ailments:

Kitty Celiac Disease which forces me to feed my cat rather than myself the week his food runs out.

Fancy fucking feast.

Bi-yearly upper respiratory infections that always allow us a road trip to the vet.

Kitty colds suck.

And often require overnight stays for fluids.

Skin sensitivity at the most random times of the year.

Also, requiring visits to the vet, along with medication.

In more than one place, at different times naturally.

Resting bitch face.

No cost for me.

Motion sickness that was a super fun thing to discover.

The utmost dignity for the unattractive regurgitating of food in his mother’s lap.

A case of curiosity as he went missing from the mini manse for 24 hours and I spent my last dime making color copies and plastering car windshields in my apartment complex.

Every. single. car. But worth the $300, as he was found.

Fleas…after being outside one time in his entire life. It was like he had a one night stand….with fucking fleas.

This dip was fun before a trip to the vet.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease that took three weeks to uncover through exploratory surgery, endless testing and finally the right medications.

The gift that keeps on giving.

Congestive heart failure brought on by the steroid medications he was put on for Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Which also took weeks of fun in the kitty ICU to uncover.

He’s been living with congestive heart failure for over a year now, which requires five medications daily, that I shove down his throat in a ball of cheese.

My own version of Walter White’s lab.

We single-handedly keep our veterinary’s lights on, where Ted is a motherfucking celebrity. He is their fave patient (most likely because we pay their mortgage bills).

Ted with his loyal and loving vet tech, Danielle.

Why go this far for my baby? Why the fuck wouldn’t I?

In the last two years, I’ve lost a career I’d spent years building, I lost the type of immediate family I thought would never be shaken, I lost friends who chose sides, I lost emotional, mental and financial stability I thought I’d created for myself. And then, I was raped. So this cat (and I want to punch people in the throat who say “it’s just a cat”), is – and has been my knight in shining armor.

Sometimes a smothering knight in shining armor.

He greets me at the door daily. He eats, shits, commands all of the attention, helps me put my make-up on every morning, sunbathes on his terrace daily, sleeps on my chest, demands the food in his martini glass be filled to the brim so as not to strain his neck, enjoys an occassional glass of wine (kidding…kind of…I mean he is my cat).

This little love has put up with his big hearted mother and accepted the siblings introduced – who KNOW the pecking order of the mini manse. It’s like the seas part and Ted’s fucking Moses when any of my other four fur balls are on my lap and the Bear decides he’d like to sit there instead.

My pussy posse.

Adding to the brood just made the love grown. And animal rescuing always begs the question…who rescued whom?

Currently his home on my chest remains the same when I’m flat on my back. Although now, due to his congestive heart failure,  he’s like a sprinkler system, as every time he exhales through his nose, my face gets a hydrating snot mist (I should probably bottle this up and sell it). It’s even more adorable when I’m yawning and he occasionally sneezes into my mouth. It’s like a snot shot.

#relationship goals

We’ve kept one another going during the shit show of our lives over the past several years. I seriously look this pussy in the face (and you know you’re not supposed to do that because cats can see into your soul but let’s be real, mine’s still dark and twisty so there’s no harm done) and instruct him to hang on as long as possible.

You go, I go.

Thing is, without the constant companionship and unconditional love of the bitchiest feline on the planet, I may have ceased my emotional fight. Sound crazy? I don’t give a fuck. This pussy and I have been through the good, the bad, the ugly and the worst.

Shoulders to lean on.

From all of my family and all of my friends, Teddy’s lead my army in putting this busted ass version of Humpty Dumpty back together again. And while I may be trying to pay off pussy debt well into my golden years, he’s worth every goddamn penny.

He sure as shit knows it, too.

Our goodbyes in the morning on my way out the mini manse to work go something like this, “I love you Baby Bear. Don’t go dying on me.”

I’m going no where…you’ve purchased me an additional 46 lives.


I think I’ve earned a bumper sticker that reads “My fur kid costs just as much as your human spawn.” Because there’s no one else in life I would rather have in the driver’s seat with me.

All aboard for the shit show.







CBXB Invasion

Corn fed, Hawkeye bred!

Corn fed, Hawkeye bred!

While in eastern Iowa for a long Labor Day stay, I ended up staying through the rest of the week for a little family bonding, starting with the twins.


Three is not a crowd with this crew.

Being these tykes are now 19 months old and actual mini people, they often seem like Tasmanian devils.

Which is why I had grubby little handprints all over my clothes.

No clean clothes.

Subtle reminder of my fave people.

I was able to see Prince B get his teeth cleaned, which started off as traumatic but ended in bliss when he realized there was a TV on the ceiling.

Teeth clean

Cartoons and clean chompers.

With my mad camera skills, I took 1,762,364 selfies with each twin, producing just one non-blurry photo of me and Princess B.

Endless selfies. Again? Again with the camera Auntie CBXB?

Again? Again with the camera Auntie CBXB?

I cheated on Ted with my dogphew, Gunner by rolling around in the sack endlessly with him night after night.


Sleeping double in a single bed.

My unfaithfulness continued with goodbye kisses for my furry family member…

Kisses to make the world go round

I kissed a dog and I liked it.

….and my little humans, too.

Good bye kisses and feminine product education

A goodbye smooch and feminine product education all at the same time. I’m a multi-tasking aunt.

It was then time to head west to the town where John Wayne was born and The Bridges of Madison County was filmed (that’s right – I walked the same streets as Meryl Streep) to see my Gma.

Jell-O shootin' granny

Jell-O shootin’ granny with her Jell-O shootin’ offspring.

It was a good thing I travel with booze, as I was staying with Gma in her retirement home.

With no WiFi.

And spotty cell service.

And no car.

No wifi and limited cell service at Gmas meant plenty of wine time for me.

Coping with my surroundings.

But we passed the time with news programs, drinks, news programs, pedicures and news programs.

Isn't this the life?

Isn’t this the life?

In between being a manicurist and wino, I got to see Aunt Crazy Pants for an afternoon and a ride to the gigantic Des Moines airport.

Crazy Pants

Crazy and Crazier.

And there is nothing more fun than getting to spend six unexpected hours at an airline gate while trying to get my ass back to Nashville.

Looooong delays at airports.


Naturally, I was nothing but ignored by my two felines upon my arrival back to our mini manse.

You're home. Now choose.

You cheated with an actual dog. We hate you.

I’m definitely in vacation withdrawal as on the first day back to work I forgot my laptop at home, lunch consisted of 10 day old pizza out of the communal fridge and I kept calling a buddy Ted…when his name is Chris.

Means this may or may not be in my cup today at work.

Definitely what my co-workers think of me and my coffee mug.

Here’s hoping that you’re brighter eyed and more bushy-tailed than I this week, friends.




Give Her the F’ing Nuts You SOB!

WARNING! Excessive profanity contained in the paragraphs below (spewed from a four-year-old’s mouth). Read at your own risk.

My foul mouthed sister in her earlier days. Don’t let this sweet face fool you.

My entire family (yes, I can say that proudly) has a knack for our fabulous trashiness (see White Trash Wednesday or anything in the Grizzies category).  After previous posts divulging of family classiness, I could not resist sharing “The Great McDonald’s Ice Cream Incident” once again. I first divulged this jewel a year ago when I had all of nine readers, therefore none of you who aren’t relation will be laying eyes on this for the first time (lucky you).

Growing up in a small (population 1,200) Iowa farming community, our Saturday nights were spent 20 minutes away at the nearest Pizza Hut (I thought was so fancy – I used to be easily impressed. USED to be).  Often times my grandma and grandpa would join us for our family date night and we would head to McDonald’s for ice cream afterward.

One Saturday we were on our journey through the drive thru, Dad chauffeuring us in the front seat with Grandpa.  My mom, sister, grandma and myself were all in the back and giving our orders (sounds like a dream of a Saturday night, huh?).  As Dad was receiving and passing the treats out, my sister got her sundae.

My four-year-old sibling looked my dad square in the face and said (without hesitation or skipping a beat), “You goddamn son-of-a-bitch I wanted nuts on my sundae.”

Immediate silence followed (although I was instantly delighted that I wasn’t the sister in trouble this time).

I assume my reaction was something like this one captured above (you’re loving the classy outfit with hair clips, aren’t you?).

Moments later, reactions set in. Grandpa busted out laughing. Grandma’s jaw hit the floor.  My mom leaned up over the seat to hiss in my dad’s ear,  “MICHAEL!” and my dad replied, “What? I don’t say those words,” (which I instantaneously knew was a lie because anytime he had his head under a sink being the ‘plumber,’ I never remembered him saying shoot, gosh darn it or duck).

Little did Grandpa know how his heart would burst with secret pride over my sister’s nut rant a few years after this photo was snapped.

So, my toddler sister just put the phrase together all in her own right? Well, being classy, a little trashy and quickly having my sister’s back, my grandma said, “I bet she learned it from all of those John Wayne movies.”  Um, yeah, since we had a three channel cable line up in our metropolis.

Being white trash is knowing better but doing it anyway, while not giving a rat’s ass what anyone else thinks. My sister just got a head start – you gotta love her spunkiness!

All guts and glory for this kid.

So fabulously trashy…I can’t wait to see how her kids carry on the tradition.



Love, Love Me Do

You know I love you (well, maybe I just like you but after a couple cocktails, it could possibly turn into love).

I received a warm shout out from the fabulous blogger, not quite carrie who is a self-dubbed faux-ionista on the brink of turning 30.  She has all kinds of beauty tips (especially fun ones like how eyeliner appears the morning after you applied it – without looking like a drag queen), she survived hurricane Sandy and provides honest reviews of products.

Another blogging bestie passing the love around is Ally from DRESSED IN MY CLOSET – who shares my love of sparkles, fuchsia, feathers, Chanel – to name just a few. She has posts ranging from recipes to fashion and my favorites are her Sunday Obsession posts.

Thank you ladies!


The ‘rules’ of this lovalicious award are to share seven random things about myself.  So sit back, relax, pour yourself a Skinny Pirate, and enjoy reading all about my randomness and my suggestion of seven other very lovely blogs.


1. Whenever I do something really obnoxious (like putting my sister’s fake veil on at her bachelorette party), have a blonde moment and say something really out there or simply just make an all ’round ass of myself, my sister says, “You’re so pretty.”

2. I like to hide Easter grass all over my parent’s house because my dad can’t stand it (therefore, why did he ever complain about it?).  Once the bunny has visited, I stash some in his shoes, chair, under his bed pillow…

3. I have a knack for photo bombing.

4. The Iowa State Fair (happens 10 days every August and yes, you can hire me as a tour guide) is one of my favorite destinations in the world.  In the picture below, I’m enjoying an adult beverage after a very long day of eating my way through the fair with my newly acquired cowboy hat (that lights up).  If you’re not sure what to wear to any fair, please check out my tips here.

5. I LOVE surprising people (although sometimes I worry I am going to give them a heart attack). I traveled from Nashville, TN to Winterset, IA (which is where the movie The Bridges of Madison County was filmed and the birth place of John Wayne for you trivia buffs out there) for my Gma’s birthday. I know she was surprised because she was still in her house coat and didn’t have any lipstick on.

6. I’ve never met a party I didn’t like to throw (nor any sequins I didn’t like to wear).

7. I loved Sex and the City (which is how I came across not quite carrie).  One of my best mates, Miss America and I got dolled up for the movie premiere (and acted like we were going to walk the red carpet in NYC while sneaking cocktails into the movie, of course).

And now that you know about a few of my quirkiness traits, here are just a few of the lovelies that I think kick some lovely ass –
sweenee style blog – this blogger’s motto is “Never take a day off from being stylish,” and I want to raid her closet because she always looks beyond fab.
style salvation – D-Anna is a master at pulling looks together and sharing tips on how to obtain. Style maven!
love your clothes love yourself – this blogger is on a journey to discover life through her closet. Check out her “Oops…I bought a…” topic. Great ideas!
work/play/polish – this woman is working on a ‘Mani Cave’ (so jeal), displays full polish collections and is one of my blogging besties.
enchanted seashells – married to a tug boat captain, all around hilarious gal AND a Chanel lover (she just got her first bag – lucky lady!).

i’ll sleep when they’re grown – this woman is a working mother, smart, funny and just lovely. I hope she puts this award on her Fake Trophy Shelf.

fashion for lunch – a woman living the fashion life in London – I love her “Today I’m Wearing…” posts and she’s all around fabulous!

Go check them out and spread the love! NOW.