The Man. The Myth. My Legend.

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Being that he’s often (happily) guest starring in blog posts and it’s his birthday weekend, I’m sharing some of the valuable life lessons that dear old dad passed down.


My dad taught me…

That you should always have your family’s back…


                                       …even if they maul you.

How to throw my hands up in the air…


…and wave them like I just don’t care.

To never leave home…

...without my shades.

                                              …without my shades.

The importance of being able to “blow up” one’s muscles.


                       They keep blowing…


                                              … and blowing…


                                                 …and blowing.

You taught me that pink isn’t just for gals…


         …tough guys wear it too.

That sequins should be in my everyday attire…


     …’cause you gave me the first bedazzled top I ever acquired.

It’s OK to stand out in a crowd…

Dada C-Note

and that giving is better than receiving…

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…unless you’re three and don’t realize it’s not you’re birthday.

The importance of slathering on sunscreen daily…


                      …as long as there’s someone to rub it in for you.

You taught me the significance of jazz hands…


…because you never know when you’ll need to use them.

How to travel on a road trip…


…with rot gut vodka, a plastic cup and using your finger to mix.

Reminding me there’s more than one fish in the sea…


                …especially whenever a boy has been mean to me.

That being the life of the party…


                                          …is never a bad deal…


You taught me that shots…


                     …are cocktails, too.

And the family that shoots together…

Wild Turkey

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Stays together.

                  …stays together.

That it’s important to share…

at the

                 …even while pigging out at the Iowa State Fair.

How to relax…


                                               …after a long day.

You showed me you’d always be there to carry me through hard times…

broken foot

         …with a broken foot…

broken ankle

              …a broken ankle…

                          …and when I’m just too drunk to walk.

You taught me that it’s OK to spoil people…


                          …especially when their nails are wet…

           …as long as you return the favor.

Most importantly, you taught me that not all heroes wear capes…

Not all

…some wear their daughters on their backs.

So let us all raise our glasses today…


…and cheers your birthday away!

Those are just a few of my lessons from…


 The Man. The Myth. The Legend.

Better get those Hawkeye shot glasses out and ready to celebrate this weekend!

Happy Birthday Dada!



13 thoughts on “The Man. The Myth. My Legend.

  1. […] of sports, I’ve been nil reporting on our tailgating shenanigans and Dada CBXB and I were in full force this […]

  2. […] is hot shit? Former Iowa Hawkeye, Karl Klug, who has played for the Tennessee Titans since 2011. As Dada CBXB says “Klug is what hard work and not great talent is all about.” Does he sound like a […]

  3. […] a pregnancy after a one-night stand (never experienced either, so everyone calm down). Fortunately, Dada CBXB and Bird Lady accompanied me to my fave Nashville watering hole, Dalts, where I loaded up on Skinny […]

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